Party Cooler Cart is Perfect for Terrace Parties

Update: 2021/06/22

Maybe you've elevated your outdoor-living game with a s […]

Maybe you've elevated your outdoor-living game with a snazzy fire pit and a cushy, deep-seating sectional. You set the mood with some string lights. Even added a pop of color with all-weather throw pillows and a cozy, indoor -outdoor rug.

But if you’re still serving drinks out of a party cooler cart, you’re ruining this alfresco vibe. TBH, it’s tacky.

Thankfully, there are way-cooler options to help you chill-out, whether you’re serving beverages for two or 200.

Of course, an outdoor refrigerator is a great option if you're planning an outdoor kitchen and have access to electricity. It's super convenient; just keep the fridge stocked, and cans or bottles will always be cold and at-hand, and no worrying about icing them down or disposing of the melted remains.

But if actual beverage-chilling appliances are not in your reality, there are lots of low-tech approaches that can accomplish the same thing, and still add some style to your outdoor living space. If you're hosting only a handful of guests, consider stashing bottles and cans in clean (repeat, clean), ice-filled flower pots, window-planter boxes, oversized punch bowls, sand pails, bird baths, garden fountains, or galvanized metal buckets or tubs.

For a bigger party, clean wheel barrows, plastic kiddie pools, metal wagons, small metal garbage cans, and even canoes or rowboats make fun and festive vessels for chilling and serving drinks to a crowd.

However, while these creative, DIY ideas look cool and spark conversation, they do have some downsides. For one, since the vessels are not insulated, they won't keep drinks cold for long, and they waste a lot of ice. Also, they are not exactly sanitary, and would not be safe to hold ice for drinking.

If you want to know more, please contact us: outdoor patio cooler cart.

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